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Information to Consider Before Taking Part in this Research Study

Researchers at the Florida Institute of Technology study many topics. To do this, we need the help of people who agree to take part in a research study. This form tells you about this research study.

The person who is in charge of this research study is Elizabeth Steinhauser. This person is called the Principal Investigator. However, other research staff may be involved and can act on behalf of the person in charge.

Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between various workplace climates. The principle investigator is a graduate student at Florida Tech conducting this research for her dissertation.

Study Procedures
If you take part in this study, you will be asked to:
•Fill out a brief online survey concerning aspects of your work environment.

Additional Study Information:
•The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
•An online website tool called QuestionPro will be used to administer the online survey.

Organizations and employees may benefit from the knowledge that this study seeks.

Risks or Discomfort
There are no known risks to those who take part in this study.

We will not pay you for the time you volunteer while being in this study. However, there will be a drawing for monetary prizes. For the completion of this survey, you will be entered to win one of the following: (1) one-hundred dollar gift certificate to the major retailer of your choice or (2) one of two fifty-dollar gift certificates to the major retailer of your choice.

We must keep your study records confidential.

You will be asked your e-mail address so that we may contact you in the event that you are a drawing winner.

Your data will be kept completely confidential. Only the researchers will have access to your data. We will not show your answers to the organization for which you work.

In the event that we publish the results of this study, we will not let anyone know your name. Also, we will only publish aggregate (average) data, not individual data. Thus, your answers will remain completely confidential.

Voluntary Participation / Withdrawal
You are free to withdraw from the study at any time. Although you will not receive full credit if you withdraw, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

Questions or Concerns
If you have any questions or concerns about this study, contact Elizabeth Steinhauser at [email protected].

If you would like to contact a member of the Institution Review Board in regards to questions or concerns of this study, please call Lisa Steelman at (321) 674- 8104.

Consent to Take Part in this Research Study
Please indicate your agreement with the statements below by choosing "I Agree" at the bottom of the page.
I understand that participation is voluntary. Refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which I am otherwise entitled. I understand that I may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which I am otherwise entitled.

I freely give my consent to take part in this study. I understand that by choosing "I Agree" below I am agreeing to take part in research.
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